Last Friday night, about midnight, fire was discovered in the store of F.M. Westbrook & Co. by Jim and Will Davis, who had just returned from Creal Springs on the sleeper from Paducah. The boys gave the alarm and soon a crowd of willing fire-fighters was on the scene. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
At last the “wooden block” consisting of the entire south half of the east side of the square is gone up in flames. The most destructive fire Marion has had for years, occurred on the morning of last Tuesday. Continue reading
The alarm of fire was given on last Tuesday evening about 11 o’clock. One of J.M. Aikman’s lumber houses on N. Market St., just north of H. Spieldoch’s residence was found to be on fire and the old blacksmith shop and dry house together with a small dwelling and barn were completely destroyed. Continue reading
Yesterday at 12:53 pm the alarm of fire was given and soon a large crowd gathered around the burning residences of Lee Thompson and Bert Bobbet stationed near the northeast corner of the square in a cluster of other dwellings. Continue reading
The well on the north-east corner of the square has been nicely curbed in and the water therefore made accessible for use. It there was a good well on each of the other three corners of the square the very efficient fire department would have a beneficiary and there would not be such a scarcity of water during the dry summer months.
(Extracted from the Egyptian Press and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )