George L. Brack was born on March 21, 1867, the son of George Brack and Malinda Youngkin in Wolf Creek, Grassy Township. When he was 3 years old, his father died and his mother remarried to Willis Hoover, a farmer, … Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
William James Walker comes of Tennessee parentage, but was born near Arilla, Missouri in Jasper County to Louis D. and Sarah Walker on January 26, 1855. He came to Illinois with his parents in 1865 at the end of the … Continue reading
John Shields Strike was born October 3, 1856 in Corinth Township to Matthew S. Strike and Sarah H. Milligan. Matthew was an early pioneer of the county, served as Williamson County Circuit Clerk for four years and was a Civil … Continue reading
No specific year can be established for the birth of James D. Gill, but by all records it appears to have been in 1869. James was born in Township 9 Range 3 of Williamson County which today would be East … Continue reading
Sandy Miller was born on a farm in Southern Township on February 5, 1870 to James Campbell Miller and Nancy Arnold. Sandy was one of twelve children with one sister and 10 brothers. He was accounted for on the 1880 … Continue reading