Erwin, Milo 1847-1894 alias Mark M. Stanly

Milo Erwin 1847-1894Milo Erwin was born October 24, 1847 near the village of Crab Orchard, six miles east of Marion. This area had been settled by people from North Carolina, among them a Revolutionary War ancestor of Milo Erwin.

Milo Erwin was the son of Robert P. and Eliza (Furlong) Erwin. Robert P. and his brother-in-law, James M. Furlong, built a steam mill for both grist and lumber at Crab Orchard in 1854; this was the county’s second mill. It was in the center of town and had no doors. Folks who had no desire to pay for grist found it easy to take what they wanted at night; thus the village was nick-named “Steal Easy.” Continue reading

Askew, Homer L. 1913-2005

Homer Askew 1913-2005Homer Lee Askew was born August 17, 1913 to Edward Eugene Askew (1882-1972) and Ava Narcissus Johnson (1887-1947) in Tunnel Hill, Johnson County, Illinois. Homer was only one of thirteen children belonging to the large farm family.

In the 1920 federal census, Homer was aged 6, living with his parental family on the family’s Tunnel Hill farmland. Siblings present in the home were Raymond Askew 14, Gomer Askew 12, Allen Askew 10, Beatrice Askew 8, George Askew 4, Mildred Askew 2 and Otto Askew, 8 months old. Continue reading

Stotlar, Warder 1911-1965

Warder Stotlar 1933 Northwestern UnivWarder Stotlar was born in Marion May 9, 1911, the son of Fred Stotlar and Hattie Warder.

In the 1920 census, Warder was 8 years old and living with his parents at 107 E. Marion Street.

He was graduated from Marion High School in 1929 and in the 1930 census, Warder was 18 years old and living with his parents at 105 E. Marion Street. Continue reading

306 E. College St., Historic Home Razed in 1941

The following article was printed in the Marion Daily Republican on September 15, 1941, and recounts the history of the home located at 306 E. College Street on the occasion of its demolition.

Historic House Being Razed

Two Story Landmark On East College Street Yields To Wrecking Crew

One of Marion’s oldest residences began yielding to a wrecking crew Monday morning when workmen began tearing down the Mrs. Kate Sutherland home at 306 East College Street. The house, built almost ninety years ago, is one of the oldest and most interesting in Marion’s history. Continue reading