Many years have passed since the days of World War II, but for Dick Jordan, of Marion, the memories remain vivid and emotional. At almost twenty-one, Dick began serving his country in November 1942, receiving his basic training at Camp Wheeler, Georgia. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Butler Says Better Water System Needed in Obtaining New Industry, May 8, 1963, MDR
Mayor Robert Butler, guest of the Marion Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting Tuesday, said he did not seek city office to preside over the demise of Marion. Continue reading
When the newly elected Marion City Council members met for the first time on Monday night, May 6th of 1963, little did they know it would be the shortest council meeting in city history. Continue reading
“The local board of fire underwriters met on Monday evening in the directors’ room of the First National Bank. Besides the transaction of routine business the matter of asking for better protection from fire was brought up. Continue reading
George C. Campbell born, reared and educated in Williamson County, never had any interests, personal, business or political, outside of his county, and may be considered a typical Williamson County man. He was born in Marion on August 12, 1868, … Continue reading