This photo has no notes but appears to be a July 4th parade in around 1915. If anyone has any further details related to this picture, please inform me.
(Photo from Marion Fire Dept Website)
This photo has no notes but appears to be a July 4th parade in around 1915. If anyone has any further details related to this picture, please inform me.
(Photo from Marion Fire Dept Website)
In the mid 1950’s throught the early 1960’s the Marion Elks Club in cooperation with the Marion Illinois Fire Department would annually promote fire safety. Each year, Elks Club members would dress as Keystone Cops and board the fire engine loaded with fake guns and candy to distribute. The engine would make the rounds of the local schools and hand out candy to the children. Sam Lattuca, my father, would regularly participate in this event. He is shown in the center of this picture pointing the gun. Continue reading
Vicksburg was laid out February 22, 1872, in Section 13 of West Marion Township and recorded in Book of Deed Z, page 182. There were 70 lots and the street was 50 feet wide. The village had a store, a mill and a blacksmith shop. One did not have to wait as long to get service at the blacksmith shop as one did in Marion. Business was not as rushing in Vicksburg as it was in Marion. Continue reading
This photo, circa 1918, of the east side of the first block of North Market Street just off the square shows a lynch mob gathering. According to information on the back of the photo the man on the balcony is holding a machine gun. Blowups of the picture show a white man in a dark suit holding a black man in a white shirt by the arm under the balcony. The crowd is split on racial lines with blacks facing south toward the camera and whites facing north with their backs towards the camera. Continue reading
In 1917, the Civics Committee of the Marion Woman’s Club approached former Marion resident Leroy A. Goddard with a request for help in constructing a Chapel. Continue reading