Damage estimated at $2300 was caused to a restaurant and garage building at the Roscoe Wring service station at the junction of West Main Street and Court Street at 11 p.m. Sunday. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Fire discovered at 9 am Wednesday in the basement of the Cline-Vick Drug Store on the Public Square burned briskly for several minutes before firemen brought it under control. Continue reading
A fire which broke out in the prescription room of the Campbell Drug Store at 11:35 pm Monday did damage estimated at upwards of $500. Continue reading
Early discovery of a fire in the basement of the Sam Sanders Shoe store on the northwest corner of the Public Square Wednesday enabled firemen to stop a fire which might have done heavy damage to Marion business section Wednesday night. Continue reading
Fire discovered at 1:25 a.m. Wednesday by a filling station attendant across the street damaged the Martin Jones grocery and meat market and the adjacent West Side Shoe Repair Shop operated by Joe LoBurgio on West Main Street. Continue reading