Marion policemen and firemen encountered another payless payday Monday night when Finance Commissioner E.R. Jones reported to the city council that the state of the city’s finances would not permit transfer of funds to make a payment on back salaries in the police and fire departments. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
If you see a red light coming toward you between two automobile headlights and the red light is swinging back and forth from left to right as if a railroad flagman was waving the danger signal – that’s the fire truck. Continue reading
Assistant Fire Chief Clint Boles has resigned his position.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )
The city council hired Arlie Ing to replace Harry Cash as Marion Fire Chief. (Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at ) … Continue reading
What might have been a disastrous fire was quickly extinguished early Friday evening due to an early discovery and prompt action by the fire department at the Smart shop on the South side of the Public Square. Continue reading