Fire which broke out in the Simonton store in the Cox building at 7:50 am Monday did damage to the Simonton Store and other stores and offices in the same block before valiant work by three fire departments brought it under control and hour later. Continue reading
Category Archives: Government
Fire discovered in the West Side Shoe Repair Shop shortly after six o’clock Monday night was extinguished without serious damage after it had given threat of spreading to other rooms in the block. Continue reading
Fire Chief Harry Cash reported to the city council that he and the state fire marshal’s office had condemned two frame store buildings on E. Main St. The buildings are located in the 600 block, house five families in addition to stores on the ground floor.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )
For the first time in Marion’s history, two fire trucks will occupy the station house. The city council Monday night contracted to buy a new truck equipped with a pumper with a capacity of 500 gal per minute. Continue reading
Provision for $4400 for the purchase of a new fire truck was made by the city council in the annual appropriation ordinance passed at the weekly meeting of the commissioners Monday night.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at )