This is a map of Williamson County in 1876. Note that Eight Mile township in 1875 used to occupy Township Township 8, Range 1 but has now dropped into the Township 9, Range 1 slot occupied today by Carterville township. In its place, on this map, is the Western Township sitting in the Township 8, Range 1 slot. The other townships appear to have remained in their respective positions as in 1875.
Category Archives: Maps
This is an 1875 map of Williamson County. It illustrates some of the changes that has occured to township precincts as the population has sorted itself out over time. Continue reading
Map drawn up from Nannie Gray’s 1939 map by Ron Emery, isolating which areas of the county early pioneers established themselves and indians, predominently Shawnee, inhabited and lived. Continue reading
Map drawn up from Nannie Gray’s 1939 map by Ron Emery, isolating which areas of the county early French trappers and Shawnee indians inhabited and lived. The French had established a fort at Kaskaskia, south of St. Louis in 1703. Continue reading