Roberts, Mary Lou (Bethel) 1926-2012

Mary Lou Roberts 1926-2012Mary Lou (Bethel) Roberts was born Sunday, October 24, 1926 in McCormick, Illinois in Pope County to Jewell Guy Bethel & Elma Houston.

In the 1930 census, the family was located in Hammond Lake, Indiana. Mary Lou was then 3 years old and her father was doing his best to support the family during the depression by working as a laborer in the steel mills. Continue reading

1919, Child Falls Down Elevator Shaft

Marion State and Savings Bank ca 1920After seeing images of the old Citadel Building on the Marion Square in a January 2007 issue of Marion Living Magazine, Ms. Sharon DuPont of Johnston City wrote the magazine. She recounted the story about her uncle, Guy D. Hogan, who as a lad of three in 1919, fell down the elevator shaft located in the then active Marion State and Savings Bank building. The incident caused quite a stir in Marion. Continue reading

Morrison, Frank E. 1879-1957, Home Oil Company

Home Oil Co 1951Frank E. Morrison was a native of Nokomis, Illinois, he was born February 23, 1879 the third of five children born to William Morrison and Ella Gale.

He received his education in the schools at Oconee, Illinois, and was married at Oconee on September 2, 1903 to Miss Classena Wilmer.

In 1903, soon after his marriage he came to Marion where he became a telegraph operator for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad at the depot just off West Main Street. In 1905, he became the local agent for the railroad. Continue reading