Dungey, J.W. “Bill” 1904-1975

JW Dungey Sept 6 1975 picJ.W. “Bill” Dungey was born at Barlow, Kentucky, June 12, 1904, the son of William and Lula (Rasco) Dungey. He was married Mary Starrick, owner of the Mary Dungey Real Estate Agency.

Dungey was a plasterer by trade and had operated as a construction contractor. He served as a Marion City Commissioner from 1955 to 1959. Continue reading

Wright, William F. 1852-1939, 508 N. Washington St., Wright & Sons Monuments

William Francis Wright, who went by the name Francis, was born in Williamson County, Illinois, July 28, 1852, and was the son of John Wright and Mary Arnold who came to Illinois from Tennessee. The home of his youth was about five miles from Stone Fort, near Creal Springs, on a farm where he followed the occupation of farming until about 1890 when he entered the mercantile business in Creal. Continue reading

Bethel, Donald H. 1919-2010

Bethel DonaldDonald Houston Bethel was born November 12, 1919, in Ozark, Illinois, in Johnson County, the son of Jewell Guy Bethel Sr. (1896-1970) and Elma Mae Houston (1900-1991).

Although his obituary states that he was born in Ozark, Illinois only one month after his birth he and his parents were listed in the 1920 census as living at Harrisburg in Saline County. Continue reading