Mr. Harry L. Crisp, Sr., founder of Marion Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., believed firmly that anyone willing to work hard, strive for excellence and set high standards, could achieve success in America – the land of opportunity. Continue reading
Category Archives: All Marion Content
Joseph Fozard was a native of Yorkshire, England, born at Batley January 15, 1853, to Martin Fozard and Sarah Mortimer. His father was a woolen manufacturer in England, and went to work at the same business on coming to this country, about 1859. He settled in New Jersey about the beginning of the Civil War and brought up his son to the same trade. Continue reading
From well before the turn of the century, coal became king in Southern Illinois and reshaped the economies and landscape of many counties, Williamson County among them. Coal mining has always been part and parcel of the lives and livelihoods of most of the citizenry of this county and back in the day if you didn’t work for the coal mines you assuredly knew someone who did. Continue reading
Four Miners Dead, Seven Wounded in a Gas Explosion Near Marion, Illinois Continue reading
With the issue of the Marion Weekly Leader dated March 18, 1971, it will cease to exist after 133 years of service to the people of Marion and Williamson County. Continue reading