The Adams Cab Company was brought into existence in the very late 1930’s at 414 ½ N. Market Street by Joseph Samuel Adams. Continue reading
Category Archives: All Marion Content
The degree of Pocahontas was instituted in Marion, Illinois on September 24, 1904, with 39 charter members and in 1904 had a membership of 58. Continue reading
The Improved Order of Red Men traces its origin to certain secret patriotic societies founded before the American Revolution. Continue reading
The Ben Hur Life Association was founded in 1894 in Crawfordsville, Indiana, as a fraternal insurance group for persons of both sexes over the age of 18. Continue reading
“The first Rebekah Degrees were honorary awards only, conferred on wives and daughters of Odd Fellows at special Lodge meetings, and recipients were known as “Daughters of Rebekah”. Continue reading