“If there was ever a definite plan adopted for the naming of Marion, Illinois streets, it was lost somewhere in the succession of expansions by fits and starts that have seen the town from nothing in 1839 to more than 13,000 souls 138 years later. Continue reading
Category Archives: All Marion Content
This home at 201 E. Allen Ave. in Marion, Illinois appears to have been built right at the turn of the century. One of its first, if not the first, occupant was Oliver J. Page. Oliver was an educator, author, editor, publisher, legislator and businessman. Continue reading
Oliver Jacob Page, the son of Jacob Page, was born August 2, 1867, in Edwards County, Illinois. His father dying when he was an infant, he lived with his widowed mother in Crawford County until he became a man. Continue reading
In 1879, Martin L. Baker formed a partnership with John H. Duncan and engaged in the retail hardware and furniture trade. The business of the firm prospered and in the fall of 1903 the business was incorporated under the name of Duncan-Baker Hardware Co., capital stock $30,000.00; a branch store established at Johnston City and a jobbing department added. Duncan was president and Baker served as Secretary and Treasurer of said corporation. Continue reading
Before Rose Hill Cemetery came into existence, Marion, Illinois citizens were buried at the old Marion Cemetery, aka Aikman Cemetery. When the city started growing and more space was required Rose Hill was established in 1884 and some of the graves were moved from the old cemetery. Continue reading