Zoral Buckner, residing on N. McLaren Street, has been appointed as a member of the City Fire Department: Fire Chief Jake Perry announced today. Continue reading
Category Archives: All Marion Content
Mayor Crisp reported to the Council Monday night that the Dodge fire truck, the older of the city’s two fire trucks, has been taken to St. Louis for repairs. The pump on the truck had gone out of commission, it was said, after it was used to pump at the sewage disposal plant.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )
Herman May, former Marion policeman, went to work Saturday at the Marion Fire Department. Continue reading
Fire almost completely ruined the “Uneeda Café” a small eating place between the Orpheum Theatre and the county jail about three o’clock yesterday afternoon with damage amounting to several hundreds of dollars. Continue reading
The Farmer’s Produce Co., operated by Lloyd McMichael, was open for business in temporary quarters Monday morning after fire which broke out at 3 pm Saturday destroyed the entire retail stock of flour, feed and of the store located in the Dunston Building in the rear of the city hall. Continue reading