1969, Joan Crawford at Marion Pepsi-Cola Plant Opening

Joan Crawford Visits Southern Illinois

New Marion Soft Drink Plant Opens

“There she is” … “oh, I see her” tumbled from the crowd as Joan Crawford radiant in the morning sun stepped upon the platform.

Miss Crawford, dressed in a subdued gray suit with matching hat, moved gracefully across the stage, waving, smiling at the more than 400 people who had come to the dedication ceremony of the new Pepsi-Cola plant west of Marion.

Harry Crisp, Sr. president of Marion Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., Harry Crisp Jr., vice president and general manager, James B. Sommerall, president and chief executive officer of Pepsi-Cola Co., Paul Powell, Illinois Secretary of State and other Pepsi Cola officials attended the ceremonies at the plant on Old Rt. 13 at 10:30 a.m. Saturday morning. Continue reading

1880, Teacher Rules and Regulations

These rules and regulations for teachers were included in the school register for 1880:

1. Any person employed to teach a public school in this district is expected to be in his or her schoolroom at least fifteen minutes before the time for the morning session to begin, and at least five minutes before the time for the afternoon session.

2. If no janitor be employed to take care of the school-room, it shall be the duty of the teacher to see that the fire, if any, is in a safe condition, that the windows are properly closed, and the outside door locked at the close of each day. Continue reading

1969, Marion News in Brief

Joan Crawford Sept 20 1969Marion Still Growing, A Quiet 1969

Continuing growth marked a quiet 1969 in Marion.

There were no murders, no violent fatalities, no disasters or catastrophes within the city in the year, not even a flood such as plagued it in previous years.

Growth continued despite voter opposition to increased taxes for two facets of city progress.

Marion Unit Two residents voted 2,140 to 1919 against a $700,000 bond issued to build a new grade school and a 35 cent increase in the education tax rate on March 15. Continue reading

Marion Illinois Properties on the National Register of Historic Places

Did you know that there are five properties in Williamson County that are currently listed on the National Register of Historic places and all five of them are located in Marion, Illinois? The applications for all five are on file at the Williamson County Historical Society Museum located at 105 S. Van Buren Street, which is one of the five places listed. Continue reading