Allen Bainbridge Scurlock, Marion alderman and merchant, was born on February 17, 1832 in Bainbridge, Illinois, just west of Marion. He was named after Allen Bainbridge who founded the village of Bainbridge, built the Western Exchange Hotel and was the brother of J.B. Bainbridge. Continue reading
Category Archives: All Marion Content
1878 news clipping extracted from the Marion Monitor and Egyptian Press newspapers.
________________________ 1878 ___________________________
Blacksmithing – Having recently refitted the old Baiar’s Blacksmith Shop in Jeffersonville, I take this method of informing the citizens of this vicinity that I am prepared to do all kinds of work and repairs of all kinds of carriages, buggies, wagons and such. I make a specialty of repairing all kinds of machines. All work guaranteed and none but the best material used. T.C. Watkins, Jeffersonville, Ill. Jan. 10, 1878. MM 10 Jan Continue reading
Thomas Taylor Dunaway, prominent Marion businessman and three term city alderman, was the son of Samuel McNight Dunaway (1809 – 1876) and Julia Tarpley (1817 – 1893). Samuel was an early pioneer in Williamson County and helped settle the village of Bainbridge. He was a merchant, railroad president and he bought and sold much land in Williamson County’s early period. Thomas was the brother of Samuel Washington Dunaway and 12 other siblings, Thomas being the last born. Continue reading
Samuel Washington Dunaway was the son of Samuel McNight Dunaway (1809 – 1876) and Julia Tarpley (1817 – 1893). Sam, the father, was an early pioneer in Williamson County and helped settle the village of Bainbridge. He was a merchant, railroad president and he bought and sold much land in Williamson County’s early period. Continue reading
This photo from 1977 was found in a Marion Daily Republican Special Edition called Salute to Firefighters published in 2002. Pictured from L-R are, Hubert Benedict, Carl Kelton, John Lewis, Commissioner Ron Joyner, Jack Wells, Charles Heyde and Anthony Rinella. Not pictured were Bill Whiting and Paul Barnwell. Two additional firefighters came onboard the following year in 1978, they were Bill Lewis and Rusty Deaton.
(Marion Daily Republican, 2002)