Thompson, Frank, WWII Veteran

Around Marion many, many people know who Frank Thompson is. He is a man who has lived in Marion since 1957. He is the man who was the terminal manager for Viking Freight Co. west of town, on what was then the only Route 13. Frank managed this terminal until 1967, when Viking Freight sold out to Spector Freight and closed their Marion operation. For the next 15 years Frank commuted to Mt. Vernon, working for Spector. Continue reading

1950, Roland Theater Sale Stirs Memories

Sale of Roland Building Stirs Memories of Theater’s Heyday

The news that the Roland Theater building had been sold recently stirred a lot of memories in the minds of the older Marion citizens, for that was the place the fellows took their girls and where pa took ma and ma took the kids.

C.F. Roland built the theater and named it for himself in 1906. Activities, however, really started one day when a man, his wife and small son came to town to play an engagement in the old Opera House. Continue reading

1924, The Miracle of Turning Water Into Wine

Used Pump To Get Wine Out of the Ground

The amount of wine necessary for the proper rearing of an Italian baby reached alarming proportions Wednesday afternoon when Mrs. Mary Mentala of 406 West Goodall Street told city officials all the wine she had was for her baby, and the officer found 150 gallons.

Mayor J.H. Clarida, Chief of Police H.T. Boyd and Officers Elmer Smith and John Smothers conducted the raid. Continue reading