1833, The Night the Sky Fell

Leonids-1833Even though Marion wasn’t officially in existence until 1839, there were already a considerable number of pioneer families occupying various locations throughout Southern Illinois in 1833.

Events occur periodically that seem to “freeze moments in time” and ever after serve as markers for every other event in one’s life. An example, for us today, would be the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 or the events of 9/11/2001. To the very, early pioneer settlers in this section of the U.S., two of those markers would have been the New Madrid earthquake of December of 1811 through February of 1812, for those few pioneers that were around, or, for the next wave of pioneers, the memorable event was the night the sky fell in 1833. Continue reading

Aikman, Willis 1833-1905

Aikman Willis residence farmWillis Aikman was born near Washington, Davies County, Indiana, on March 14, 1833. He was a son of Samuel Aikman and Henrietta Coleman and came with his parents to Edgar County, Illinois, in 1835, and to Marion in 1837 with a family of six boys and three girls.

His father, Samuel, invested his money in Marion real estate until he owned a strip one-half mile wide by a mile and a half long, consisting of 640 acres, which he bought off the Government at $1.25 an acre. Continue reading

Where in the World is Monroe, Illinois?

Monroe, Illinois? Never heard of it? Well, there is a good reason. For some reason, Monroe got lost in the dustbin of history along with other things that never happened. In 1938, Mrs. Nannie Gray Parks, based on a tip by Mr. Edward M. Stotlar, researched records at the Franklin County courthouse in Benton, Illinois. Mrs. Parks discovered that the county surveyor in 1837 had laid out a town to be known as Monroe. Continue reading