1927, The Tragedy of Ethel and Lory Price

Ethel and Lory PriceMarion’s bloody history has been the subject of numerous books, articles and documentaries. “Bloody Williamson,” Paul M. Angle’s widely read story of our county, is still in publication after more than half a century. Perhaps one of the reasons for the intense curiosity about our past is the baffling contrast between the genuine warmth and friendliness of the people you meet today and the violent heartlessness of some who lived here just one or two generations ago. No story better illustrates this paradox than the tragedy of Lory and Ethel Price. Continue reading

Sanders, James W. 1923-1990, Sanders & Associates

James W Sanders 1923-1990Marion has had its share of heroes over the years. The subject of this work is World War II and how one of our local citizens answered the call.

We had a family here in Marion that sent four of its sons to the service and only one survived. In Williamson County we had two sons from Paulton that died in prisoner of war camps. We have other families that sent four and five of their sons to the effort. The first casualty of the war from Marion was a man who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan and he is still entombed in the Battleship Arizona. Continue reading

Jennings, Al 1863-1961, Lawyer, Bandit, Silent Movie Actor, Author

Alphonso J. Jennings (a.k.a. Al) was born November 25, 1863 in Virginia. Al, wrote a book in 1913 called “Beating Back” and gave some early family history. He had a penchant for spinning yarns, so we have no way of knowing how much of his book is true. He said his father, John D.F. Jennings, was a schoolmaster, doctor, Methodist minister, lawyer and editor. Continue reading

Fowler, Richmond R. 1860-1935

Fowler RR 1860-1935Richmond Roe Fowler, a.k.a. Rich, was born about five miles northeast of Marion on November 28, 1860. He was the son of Joseph W. Fowler and Elizabeth Davis.

After taking advantage of the schooling offered by the district schools, Judge Fowler attended Ewing College for two years, and then for two years engaged in teaching. Continue reading

Boatright, Clara 1895-1994

Clara BoatrightClara Strautz Boatright was born August 28, 1895 in Cairo, Illinois, to Fredrick and Catherine Casper Strautz. She attended Cairo public schools and St. Joseph’s Academy, continuing her education at Jacksonville, Normal, and LaSalle University.

She came to Marion from E. St. Louis to teach at Brown’s Business College from 1914 to 1933 (with six years out to become mother and homemaker). Clara then became principal from 1933 to 1936 when she resigned to become a private tutor. Continue reading