Davis, William T. 1842-1906, Mayor & County Treasurer

William Thompson Davis was a pioneer citizen of the county and according to his obituary was born in Saline Precinct, now named Stonefort Township, near what was known as Sayersville Bridge just west of Stonefort, January 31, 1842, and the entire sixty-four years of his life were spent as a citizen of Williamson County. His parents were John Tribble and Nancy (Thompson) Davis. Continue reading

Duncan, Russell 1904-1991, Teacher

Jessie Russell (Gardner) Duncan, dedicated teacher for over five decades, was born on May 18, 1904 in Lexington, Tennessee, the late-in-life daughter and sixth child of Henry and Jessie Gardner. By the time the 1910 federal census was taken, the Gardner family had moved to Marion and was living at 514 W. Maplewood Street in a home which they owned with a mortgage.

Her 55 year old father, Henry, was working as a laborer at a railroad tie plant, which was likely the American Creosote Company on the south side of Marion on Rt. 37 where Short Brothers is now located. Continue reading

Dunaway, Mabel 1885-1963

Miss Mabel Dunaway, a Marion school teacher for 44 years, was born on April 26, 1885, at Marion. She was the daughter of Thomas Dunaway and Emma Benson. Mabel grew up and lived her entire life in the family home at 306 S. Market Street. Her father, Thomas, was a prominent Marion merchant and her grandfather, Samuel Dunaway, was a pioneer merchant and businessman, responsible for the first railroad spur into Marion in 1872. Continue reading

Dunaway, Samuel L. 1895-1976, Dunaway Insurance Agency

Samuel L Dunaway 1895-1976Samuel Lum Dunaway, Marion businessman, civic leader, WWI veteran and grandson of early county pioneer Sam Dunaway, was born on April 12, 1895, in Marion to Thomas Dunaway and Emma Benson.

Sam descended from one of the families that lived at Old Bainbridge, the village that served as the seat of county government, west of Marion, prior to creation of the county seat in Marion.

His father, Thomas Dunaway, retired Marion merchant, who died in 1921, was the son of Samuel Dunaway, one of the settlers of Bainbridge. Thomas Dunaway was born near that pioneer village in 1848, the last of 15 children in the family. Continue reading

Dingrando, Leo J. 1935-2004

Leo Dingrando 1935-2004Anyone who grew up in Marion and participated in sponsored youth activities between the late 1960’s and into the 2000’s has an extremely high probability of having encountered Leo Dingrando. Leo selflessly dedicated uncountable hours of his time to youth programs and was a well-loved figure in the Marion community for nearly four decades.

Leo Junior Dingrando was born on June 11, 1935 in Marion at 704 W. White Street to Leo Dingrando and Catherine Duvardo, the youngest of four sons. He grew up as a devout member of the St. Joseph Catholic Church. Continue reading