1856-59, News Clippings


July 10, 1856

100 sacks of salt just received – Norman & Sanders, Marion, Illinois

Elenor McElvoy Vs. John G. McElvoy, bill for divorce

Stop Thief! – Stolen from my residence on the 9th day of this month, a bright bay mare, five years old, supposed to be fourteen hands high, a long black tail and main turning to the left side; not a white spot on her, where the collar comes above, the mare is quite worn off. A liberal reward will be given for her by me in Jackson County. Jane Richert Continue reading

1974, Marion News in Brief

Annexations Big 1974 Marion Story

Marion may have overreached in its last effort, but 1974 was still a big year in annexations pushing the city limits outward.

About 125 residents in an area westward from Interstate 57 to and including the Boswell Addition voted 30 to 5 on July 23 to be annexed into the city.

A 4.5 acre subdivision in which 10 homes will be built in Moore Park west of the Marion limits was annexed into the city on September 23. Continue reading

1973, Marion News in Brief

1973 was a light and dark year for Marion citizens. On the light side, the property tax, often a staple of city financing, was eliminated in this year. The city annexed three parcels of real estate, including Scotsboro, for a total of almost 400 additional acres. One of the commercial annexes, included property that was part of the city’s first industrial park off N. Carbon Street, and would serve as a location for Marion’s third bank, the Peoples Bank of Marion. Ray Fosse Day was held November 27th to celebrate a visit by Fosse after playing with the Oakland Athletics in the World Series. Continue reading