Extracted from the newspapers Marion Evening Post (MEP) and Herrin News (HN)
Anna Kilbreth, wife of John M. Kilbreth of Grassy Precinct, died Friday of cancer. She was born 17 Apr 1861 in this county, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Eli Lentz. Four brothers and two sisters survive: Prof. E.G. Lentz of Carbondale (S.I.N.U.), Robert Lentz of Enid, Okla., Marshall Lentz of Valpariso, Ind., I.N. Lentz of Wolf Creek, Mrs. S.M. Fowler of Herrin and Mrs. Elizabeth Throgmorton of Bardwell, Ky. One sister, Mrs. L.L. Gallimore preceded her to the grave. She is also survived by six children, two of whom are at home: Mrs. Ray Miller, wife of Deputy County Clerk, Mrs. Ralph Jones of Herrin, Allen Kilbreth of Clifford, James Kilbreth of Fordville and Joe Kilbreth at home. Burial will be in Wolf Creek Cemetery. MDR Saturday, 1 Jul & HN 6 Jul 1916
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