1912, News Clippings, January thru March


On Thursday, Fountain Camp No. 10866, Modern Woodmen of America, met at the home of their neighbor, John Phillips, who is ill and unable to work, and “secured” his corn for him. A big dinner was set and a fine time was enjoyed by all. MEP 1 Jan 1912

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Mollie Goodall Spann at the home on North Van Buren Street. Her son, James Goodall, who was in California, arrived home Sunday morning. The pallbearers were her nephews. MEP 1 Jan 1912

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1900, News Clippings


Dwina   Leander Smith and Mallie Jent were married Christmas Eve. TL 4 Jan 1900

Ed Hartwell was delighted this morning to inform us that a new girl arrived at his house. TL 4 Jan 1900

Sarah C. Belcher, wife of R.M. Belcher, was born 17 Oct 1822 in Wilson County, Tennessee, the daughter of Thomas and Jane Biles, died 1 Jan 1900. She married 11 Apr 1844 and moved from Smith County, Tennessee to this county in Dec 1851 and settled four miles south of where she died. She confessed our savior at the age of 13 and joined the Methodist Church soon after. She was the mother of eight children, four surviving with her husband. She died at the home of her son, J.T. Belcher where she and her husband had lived a number of years. She had been an invalid several years previous to 18 Sep 1899 when she became almost helpless and remained so until death. Burial was in Jeffersonville Cemetery. TL 11 Jan 1900

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1899, News Clippings, June thru December


Bernard Effling was talking to a neighbor near Canaville when he fell dead. He was making brick near there and was feeling quite well. A widower, about 60 or 65 years old, he came to this county about a year ago from Edwardsville, where his remains were taken. EP 1 Jun 1899

Roy Sanders, of Murphysboro, and Cora Kelley, of Parrish, were married at the residence of John Sanders, of this city, uncle of the groom. EP 1 Jun 1899

Worth Wooton was born 5 Nov 1877 in Monroe County, TN and died 25 May 1899, ages 21 years, 8 months and 20 days. Worth learned the printer’s trade in the Press office. Burial was in the New Cemetery. EP 1 Jun 1899

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1899, News Clippings, January thru May


Isaac Wilson was brought over from Stonefort Friday by Deputy Sheriff Dick Odum, charged with assault to murder about Christmas time against R.C. Parton at Stonefort. Wilson gave bond and goes his way rejoicing.  EP 5 Jan 1899

John Jeter, keeper of the poor farm, died of consumption Friday.  EP 5 Jan 1899

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1897, News Clippings, August thru December


Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stocks are the happy parents of a new son. TL 5 Aug 1897

James Ray, once a resident of Attila, died in Murphysboro last week. Burial was in the eastern part of this county where he was born and reared. TL 5 Aug 1897

Frank Sanderson and wife, of Mayfield, KY, are visiting friends and relatives here. She is the daughter of Ham. Brack. She has been away from here 10 years, this being her first visit to her old home in that time. TL 5 Aug 1897

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