The following biography of this individual was written in 1904 and published in the “1905 Historical Souvenir of Williamson County.”
“The subject of this sketch, who with single exception of Dr. Armstrong easily takes the lead in ranks of his profession in Southern Illinois, is a native of Jackson County and a farmer’s boy. He was born October 31, 1866 near Carbondale and at the age of 18 entered the Carbondale High School. After three years faithful application, however, he returned to the old homestead and in April 1889, two years later, he married and followed the plow for about six years. But, tempted by the good wages offered, he entered the employ of Fredonia Coal Mine and dug coal for a couple of years. But he felt himself superior to the occupation, and entered the private veterinary school of Dr. Killman at Kansas City, Kansas. His studies under that famous teacher were supplemented with a year’s practice with Dr. John Armstrong of Toronto Cananda at Carbondale. In June 1902, he passed the rigid examination of the State Board at Springfield and has since practiced under this certificate. In July 1899, he came to Marion and has been in steady and successful practice here ever since.
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