The following biographical sketch was published in the book, “1905 Historical Souvenir of Williamson County. The article was likely constructed in 1904.
“The subject of this sketch is a native of Marion, where he was born June 11th, 1872. His father was engaged in the drug business here for some time, but is at present postmaster at Oluskee, Odlahoma. His mother was Amanda M. Spiller. After a common school education, Mr. Willeford entered the employ of John Cline in 1891 and took up the profession of druggist. He was two years with Cline and then spent two years in Washington, Indiana. After spending six years in Malden, Missouri he went to Muscogee, Indian Territory for one year. In July 1901, we find him once more in Marion and in partnership with his brother-in-law, Frank S. Morrison in the bottling business (Coal Belt Bottling Company). Mr. Morrison had been in the same business in Memphis and elsewhere and Mr. Willeford was an expert druggist, so that the combination was a success from the start. They engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of soft drinks and mineral waters, but make a specialty of “Iron Brew, the Ideal American Tonic,” a soft drink of exceptional value for its medicinal properties. The first year’s output was one hundred cases daily and its present capacity is three hundred cases. They are now building new works on the same street, which will greatly increase the output.
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