1895, News Clippings, January thru March


Resolutions passed by Arnold Schoolhouse in memory of Ora Dell Burnett who departed this life 17 Dec 1894, a worthy and esteemed school mate. TL 3 Jan 1895

The death of Mrs. Geo. Neely, of Rock Creek, is reported just as we go to press. TL 3 Jan 1895

Wolf Creek — Allison J. Hale, of Union County, and Etta Clark, of Grassy, were married Christmas day. TL 3 Jan 1895

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1894, News Clippings, July thru December


Horace P. Wright and Elva B. Abney, both of Saline County, were married Saturday in the county clerk’s office in this city by Esq. Samuels. TL 5 Jul 1894

Mrs. Burns died of inflammatory rheumatism at the residence of Thos. Tanner in this city Monday afternoon last. The corpse was taken to or near Stonefort for burial. TL 5 Jul 1894

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1894, News Clippings, January thru June


Fredonia — Cass Russell starts today for Mobile, AL where he will spend three weeks hunting and fishing on the Gulf coast. He will be the guest of his brother, M.F. Russell and family. TL 1 Jan 1894

Alice — Grandma Anderson died Thursday evening after a lingering illness. She was buried Saturday in South County Line Cemetery. TL 1 Jan 1894

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1893, News Clippings


May D. Benson, wife of W.L. Benson, died 30 Dec 1892 at Creal Springs, aged 29 years 9 months 17 days. The funeral was in this city with burial in the new cemetery. TL 5 Jan 1893

Sallie Dowell, wife of J.C. Dowell, died 26 Dec. She was married 27 Dec 1847 in Dover, Tenn. There were five children. The oldest was buried 40 years ago where the battle of Ft. Donelson was afterward fought. Those surviving are: W.C. Dowell, Assistant Warden at the S.I. Penitentiary, 42 years old; Alice Gulledge of Carterville, 34 years old; A.M. Dowell of Pinckneyville, 32 years old and T.L. Dowell of Marion, sheriff, 28 years old. Her husband also survives. She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Burial was in Oakwood Cemetery, Carterville. TL 5 Jan 1893

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1892, News Clippings


Roscoe Oglesby Nall, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. B.K. Nall was born in Lake Creek precinct near Jeffersonville on the seventh day of January 1885 and died 16 Dec 1891 after a brief illness of croup, in the sixth year of his life. When the hour of death drew near, this boy of only six called his relatives and assembled friends to his bedside and gave them a farewell kiss and embrace while death was permeating his body. TL 7 Jan 1892

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