1911 Marion Baseball Team
K. Miller, Second Base; H. Mitchell, Left Field; E. McIntosh, Manager; O. Mitchell, Catcher; G. Quillman, Pitcher; R. Roberts, Pitcher; L. Gibbs, Short Stop; R. Wilson, Left Field; D. Mitchell, Right Field; C. Henson, Center Field; B. Lampley, First Base; M. Kelley, Third Base; T. Turner, Catcher; J. Hay, Mascot

View North from Atop Court House 1962

Amzi F. White 1847-1909
Photo taken in 1904, five years prior to his death

1920's Law Enforcement
Office John H. Smothers 1880-1955

Martin W. Robertson 1839-1905
Marion merchant and city trustee

Helen Longbons 1901-1999
Helen shown teaching piano in her home

Robert L. Cooksey 1919-1978
Bob Cooksey as Mayor in 1956 during the Williamson County Fair's 100th Anniversary

Thomas Davis 1840-1910
Thomas Davis, wife Eliza Ann (Pulley) Davis and two daughters

William H. Warder 1859-1936
State Legislator, Teacher and Attorney, shown as Director of Williamson County Savings Bank in Marion in 1904

American Creosote Co.
Creosoting plant south of Marion shown ca 1912, currently the location of Short Bros. Asphalt plant

Williamson County Fair Ground
Inner Field of the Fair Ground 1904

J.F.K. Visit 1960
Political speeches made on the public square in front of the court house in Oct. 1960. L-R are Gov. Otto Kerner, Sen. William L. Grindle, John F. Kennedy, Congressman Kenneth Gray and Sen. Paul Douglas

Carl Sorgen Studio 1952
Memory Kit ad for Sorgen Studio used in 1952

500 S. Court St.
Home and attached business shown in 1940's as a floral shop, either Marion Greenhouses or Fox's Flowers depending on the date.

Henry S. Harris (1847-1912)
Shown as pictured in the 1905 Souvenir History

A.H. Joseph's Clothing
A.H. Joseph's Clothing store at 1200 Public Square ca 1915

Edward Longbons 1869-1944
The Bank of Marion's first president

Pulleys BBQ
Pulley's BBQ as it looked from 1937 to 1996

Marion Lumber and Supply1940's
Shown in the 1940's after name change from Marion Lumber and Fuel to Marion Lumber and Supply

Cox Hardware 1962
Old Cox building shown in 1962 (Photo by A.C.Storme)

Earl B. Jackson
Earl B. Jackson ca 1920

Marion Industrial Park
Photo promoting Marion Industrial Park on Skyline Drive, 1980's

Russell Duncan 1904-1991
Russell shown in 1987 as a teacher at Christian school in California

Goodall Hotel Postcard 1920's

Charles Edwards ca 1955
L - R, John Kelley, Diz Carlton, Charles Edwards, Mayor Robert Cooksey, unknown, Commissioner ? ca 1955

Evelyn M. Patterson 1920-2008
Evelyn shown in 1964 Memory Kit

Court House Postcard 1920's

Joseph W. Hartwell 1839-1903
Hartwell shown circa 1900

Illinois Ordnance Plant
Ordill, Ammunition loading plant

501 S. Market St. 2
501 S. Market St. front view in January 2014

New Marion Police Department 2014
DeYoung side of completed Marion Police Department shown in May 2014

1928 Olympic Track and Field Team
Team shown on return trip from 1928 Olympics aboard steam ship S.S. Roosevelt. Casey is third from right in top row.

Elks Minstrel Parade 1915
1915 Elks Minstrels posing in front of the Elks lodge on S. Market Street (Photo courtesy of Betty (Hay) McDevitt)

Views from the square
West Main from the Square Parade ca 1962

Motel Marion
Postcard from 1950's

Durall TV, 1400 W. Main
Shown L-R, Maurice and Colleen Durall, James Wiseman, Leo Followell, Charles Mandrell, Clarence "Pat" Durall

Harvey Allan Todd 1916-1993
Todd shown as captain in 1945

Peabody No. 3 Mine
Peabody No. 3 Mine just north of Marion surrounding Cedar Grove

Crouse Jewelry
Crouse Jewelry, 103 S. Market St., ca 1950

Bainbridge Jewelry at 505 Public Square
Bainbridge Jewelry at 505 Public Square in the old Bainbridge Building on West Side

Washington School ca 1910
Washington School, Marion's first shool, grades 1-12

Funeral Homes
Building on S. Van Buren started as Frick Funeral Home, then was Wilson-Frick, and then became Wilson Funeral Home

Lincoln School
1910 photograph postcard

1910 Marion Business District
Photo compilation found in the Marion, Illinois, Opportunity City booklet. Photos were determined to fall between 1907 and 1913

William Aikman 1825-1890
Merchant, farmer and Marion businessman and landowner shown ca 1880

David R. Merrell 1944-1968
Dave Merrell shown in his Senior MHS photo, Class of 1962

Dr. Alonzo N. Baker
Dr. Alonzo N. Baker, shown circa 1989

601 E.Thorn St
Served as hospital ca 1907

Sneddon's Confectionary 1949
Robert Sneddon with his late model green Pontiac, photo used in 1949 Memory Kit Ad

West Main 1992
Looking East from intersection of 13 and 37 toward square 1992

South Side of Marion Square during Lawlessness Appeals

William J Spiller 1833-1923
Farmer, businessman, father of 14 children

Egyptian Powder Company
1933 Sanborn Insurance map of Egyptian Powder showing Coal Belt Electric Line rails accessing powder plant (Courtesy of Jerry Michels)

Post and Press Building
Post and Press building built in 1907 by James H. Felts and Samuel K. Casey, date unknown, but suspect 1920's (Courtesy of Williamson County Historical Society)

Hosea Wilson 1878-1954
Hosea Wilson, uncle of MHS Coach Virgil Wilson, offered up four sons to WWII and lost three of them.

Tom Murphy
Murphy shown in his work shop in May 2007

Cox Hardware Fire May 1963
The fire starts up late afternoon and a crowd gathers

W.J. Caplinger
W.J., Florence and daughter Euna Olive Caplinger shown ca 1905

James P. Copeland 1845-1914
Editor of The Leader newspaper, shown ca 1885

John H. White
Colonel John H. White, Killed at Ft. Donelson, Tenn February 15, 1862

702 S. Market St.
Home built for Charles W. and Berth (Cantor) Schwerdt ca 1902 by Robert Sparks, local contractor, home shown in 1904

910 N. Market St.
The homes original look as it appeared from 1908 to 1923 as a 1 1/2 story house

1414 W. Main St.
Shown ca 1980, built in 1906 (Photo from 1989 Sesquicentennial History)

William W. Clemens 1839-1915
Attorney Clemens shown ca 1904

W.F. Wright 1852-1939
Wright as City Alderman in 1904, owner of Wright & Sons Monument and at one time the Marion Steam and Marble Works

Charles W Hay 1873-1967
Businessman, merchant and Marion promoter (Photo courtesy of Betty (Hay) McDevitt)

Storm Damage April 21, 1912
Damage to residential homes, locations unknown

1957 Marion Recreation Department
Representatives of the Elks, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Eagles recently presented an $1850 check to the Marion Community Center to help pay expenses of redecorating. Shown above are Paul Allen, exalted ruler of the Elks; Jim Ozment, American Legion Commander; Clifton Storme, city recreation director; Suzanne Brown, President of teen town; Wendell Winters, secretary/treasurer of teen town; Orland Stanley president of the city recreation board; Albert Ehlers, VFW Commander and Jake Perry, President of the Eagles. Carl Sorgen photo from 1957

Edward E. Denison 1873-1953
Shown ca 1920 as Congressman

F.W. Woolworth Company
F.W. Woolworth store seen center screen as crowd gathers for the passing of the 1939 County Centennial Parade coming up N. Market and heading out E. Main to fair ground

Warren Webster Duncan 1857-1938
Shown circa 1896 at about 40

Ku Klux Klan
Glenn Young's Klan funeral procession in January 1925

Crescent Cafe
Crescent Cafe 115 N. Market 1926

Marion Junior High School
Old Washington School served grades 1-12

William J. Aikman 1854-1926
Farmer, banker, real estate and livestock dealer

Ray Reynolds
Ray shown at his home in November 2013 (Photo by Sam Lattuca)

Tempo Fire, March 27, 1977
Fire starts shortly after closing at 6 PM, Seven inches of rain recorded that night

Al Jennings 1863-1961
Jennings mug shot in 1902 leaving Leavenworth Prison

George W. Pillow 1850-1936
Attorney for 50 years, 8 years on Illinois Commerce Commission

Marion 1839
Original Survey

Illinois Centre Mall 1990
Outside construction

JV Walker & Sons 1961
1961 Memory Kit ad

Old Temple Location
Masonic K.P. Temple 315 W Main used till 1972

County Poor Farm
Location shown on 1908 map

Carbondale and Shawneetown Railroad
C & S Train Depot on June 8, 1912, built in 1872 (Edward Bridges Collection)

512 S. Market St.
Shown as it appeared in 1904, built in 1893 by Manhiem Cantor

518 S. Market St.
Front shown in March 2013

Marion Lions Club
1971 Lions Perfect Attendance awards, presenting awards L-R are Don Henard and John Giles. Receiving awards are Sam Stotlar, Leamon Boatright, Don Ridgley and "Doc" Smith

Alan D. Kuhn
1957 Senior MHS Memory Kit photo

Marion Supply Company
Building shown ca 1919 while still active, sold in 1927 to C.I.P.S. which remained there until the 1970's

Almira C. (Barham) Reynolds ca 1880
Proprietress of Commercial Hotel, 1841-1923

Benjamin B. Griggs 1904
Founder of Pressed Brick, nurseryman, owner of saw and grist mills

Gem Cafe 1955-58
Staff of Gem Cafe, used in Memory Kit ads from 1955-1958, males L to R are Achillas Karathanos, Ikie Karathanos, Alex Siatos. Women on right L-R are Ruth Cash and Ann, last name unknown.

July 2, 1980 Windstorm
Home damaged by tree on E. Marion Street shown on July 3, 1980

Goddard Grocery Company
Building shown ca 1919 at 508-510 W. Union Street

Manhiem Cantor 1848-1912
Marion Clothing merchant

March 27, 1977 Flood
Residents on S. Market being evacuated by boat on Monday morning

Tempo Department Store
Memory Kit ad from 1972

903 N. Market St.
Shown with AJ and Josephine Binkley on porch in 1904, built in 1898

Bethel Brother Tragedy
Robbie Bethel (1955-1982)

William H. Bundy 1846-1938
Mayor of Marion Illinois 1901-1903, First President of the Marion Board of Education and Director on Board for several years.

Bank of Marion 1944
Memory Kit ad from 1944

Waddie's 1952
Memory Kit 1952, 708 W. Main St.

Mr. C.H. Denison
Charles H. Denison ca 1900 (1837-1908)

First National Bank
Bank shown on postcard ca 1920 (Mike Ward Collection)

Francis M.Sparks 1840-1926
Farmer, Merchant, Alderman of Marion

North Market 1958 (Thomas Wimberly Collection)
"North Market Street in Marion looking south towards the courthouse. All of the businesses to the left were destroyed in a fire at Kimmel Auto Supply in the late 1980's or early 1990's."-Thomas wimberly

The Brown Family
Victoria, Bertha, Emma and Henry Brown

Marion Illinois Post Office
Shown in 1920, taken from Egyptian Hustlers pamphlet of 1921

Wesley D. Deaton 1937-2007
Wes shown in the 1964 Marion High School Memory Kit

Stylart Shoppe 1941
1941, after moving from the NW side of square, shown L-R are Beatrice Ford, Ann Thaxton, Burnette Campbell, Bernice Thaxton, and Sarah Deaton (Photo courtesy of Sue McCoskey)

Josephine Scurlock Binkley 1865-1956
Daughter of Allen B. Scurlock, wife of A.J. Binkley, resided at 901 N. Market Street

Aerial Views
Downtown ca 1960

Robert L. Sparks 1876-1961
Contractor/Builder, shown in 1904

Bennies Italian Food
Memory Kit ad from 1966

Sarilda Jane (Absher) Cline 1826-1917
"Grandma Cline"

Logan School
Logan High School Postcard ca 1910

Oliver Jacob Page 1867-1948
(Photo courtesy of Marjorie Telerski, great granddaughter of Oliver J. Page)

W3D Daisy logo

Otis W. Williams 1870-1947
Alderman, undertaker, furniture salesman, shown in 1904

Marion State and Savings Bank
Interior shown in 1904 at 100 Public Square, C.H. Denison on left, Earl B. Jackson behind cage

Edwards Mill
The mill on West Main after storm in 1912

Dr. Donald Ripley
1936-1974, Marion Chiropractor

Mary (Cunningham) Logan
Shown ca 1858

Monroe Cleaners
Memory Kit ad from 1942

Southwest Corner of Square in early 1930's

Zeltha Latham, 79, home on E. Boulevard St.

Senator Gene Johns 1927-1984
Gene Johns shown in 1973

June 15, 1977 Morning after the depot fire ( CO & E Collection)

Douglass School
Second Douglas School built in 1926, ca 1950's

I-57 Clover Leaf 1964
Clover Leaf Exchange shortly after completion in 1964

County Jail #2 1905
County Jail #2 1905 SE of Square

Rotary Presidents 1972-1974

Andersonville survivor
Conditions at Andersonville were horrible and prisoners often starved to death. This is an example of the condition of one who survived the hell there.

WGGH 1965
Memory Kit ad used in 1964 through 1966

1001 E. College St.
Built in 1900 by Benjamin B. Griggs, 1904

John Hay 1902-1967
Attorney John Hay shown ca 1925 upon graduation from the University of Michigan law school

McKinley School
Aerial view taken in 1950's

402 S. Market
402 S. Market Street 2012 (Photo by Ron Emery)

First Christian Church 1906
First Christian Church in 1906, note the dirt street

Veteran's Hospital
Hospital Postcard ca 1945

Marion Schools
Postcard of Marion Schools 1934

First Baptist Church
Original First Baptist Church building

Orpheum Theater 1921
Architectural Drawing of proposed Theater 1921

Chicago and Big Muddy Mine
Mine tipple and railyard

Jefferson School
Old Jefferson School Postcard ca 1910

807 N. Market St.
Picture from 1960's when Maller Funeral Home occupied it

C. & E. I. Train Depot 1919
C. & E. I. Train Depot Postcard from ca 1919

Paul J. Reese 1922-2009
Paul Reese shown ca 1945, spent time in German POW camps

West Side Hotel
Hotel shown ca 1930

Browns Business College
Business College ca 1919 at 315 W. Main St., Prof. Siekman shown at top

Marion Memorial Hospital
Hospital in 1989

Eastern Star
Past Matrons in 1932 photo from Marion Daily Republican

Route 37 and 13 Intersection looking south
Drivine throught the intersection heading south in 1960

Washington School
Aerial View taken in 1950's showing Logan and original Jr. High before it became second Washington School

Gen John A. Logan ca 1864

George H. Goodall 1900

Second Baptist Church
Carl Sorgen photo of original building in 1953

Thomas L. Odum
Shown as WWI soldier ca 1915 at age 19

1004 West Main St.
Corner view apartments in February 2013

Joab Goodall
Joab Goodall in 1904

Pressed Brick Plant
Griggs Bros. Pressed Brick plant at 1200 E. College St. in 1904

Zion Church
Main building and East wing, Jan. 2013

John K. Miller 1918-1993
John shown in 1985 during Shriner's Week

CO and E Railroad Logo

John W. Jones 1912-1968
John W. Jones at Lion's Club meeting in 1968

Frank Thompson
Frank Thompson in 2007

Marion and Eastern Railroad #6 Steam Locomotive

Goddard Chapel
Corner View from NW 2013 (Photo by Sam Lattuca)

Stotlar Herrin Lumber Company
Marion location at 602-604 N. Market St. in 1919

Goodall Bridge
Photo taken in 1995 by Jon Musgrave for the Marion Daily Republican

Marion City Cemeteries, Rose Hill and Maplewood
Google map view of 2012

Marion Opera House
Marion Opera House in 1904, 400 N. Market St.

Robert O. Clarida 1868-1936
Clarida ca 1919 while serving as President of Citizens Trust and Savings Bank

Amelia Earhart

Marion BPOE Lodge #800
Postcard from 1920's (Mike Ward Collection)

City Hall 1903
City Hall/ Marion State and Savings Bank in 1903 when newly built

403 S. Market St.
Built in 1896 for Hon. William H. Bundy and his wife Alice, shown as it was in 1904

Dawn Tondini 1993
Marion's first female patrolman, Dawn Tondini in 1993

Marion Airport
Rededication of airport on Aug 4th, 1934, note lines of people lining old Creal road

514 S. Market St in the 1930's

E Blankenship Co
Earl Blankenship Sr. on his 1921 Excelsior

GTE building on West Union in 1976

Danny Cox
Cox at home in his library (SIU Southern Alumni magazine)

Marion Electric Light and Water Co.
Power plant next to I.C. RR tracks at corner of N. Madison and W. Central Streets in 1904

Knights of Columbus
KC Hall, built in 1970, shown as of May 2013 (Photo by Sam Lattuca)

Robert G Ingersoll 1833-1899
"The Great Agnostic"

2012 Google Map
2012 Google Map with Section 23 & NE 1/4 Marked off

Old Marion Cemetery, aka Aikman Cemetery
Shown in February 2013 (Photo by Sam Lattuca)

Dr. Augustus N. Lodge 1831-1895

Earth Quake 1968
McKinley School at 904 N. Court Street damaged

201 E Allen Ave.
Outside view

Samuel Knox Casey 1865-1939
Editor/Publisher of the Egyptian Press and Marion Evening Post, ca 1900

Goodall Hotel Fire March 4, 1941
View from square of Economy store located in right half of hotel, only the shells remain of the store fronts. This shot was taken moments before the walls were pulled down.

313 S. Court Street
Built in 1870 for Edward L. Denison, brother of Charles Denison

Judge George W. Young 1845-1915
Attorney and Judge

Grand Army of the Republic, Marion Post 319
1897 Muster Roll

John B. Bainbridge 1837-1910
Merchant, real estate investor, banker

Youth Center Dedication May 1963
New Marion Youth Center in May 1963, side view

New York Store
Shown on left side of frame in 1904

WT Grant Co.
Memory Kit ad used in 1966 and 1967

Hay's Mercantile Company
The Hay building as it appeared in 1918

A.C. Storme
Made MHS Principal July 1, 1963

Kimmel Building Fire 1963

Samuel S. Vick 1827-1916
Shown in 1904

915 W. Main St.
915 W. Main St in 1904

Oldham Paisley

East Marion Township Road Map
Road Map to accompany the patent map

Albert C. "Cliff" Storme 1919-2013
Storme in his retirement years (Southern Illinoisan Obit photo)

May 8, 2009 Storm
Red Row house split by tree

Bob Stotlar Building Center
Shown in 1990

Charles W. Monroe 1922-2012
Charles W. Monroe shown in later life

1919 Vernon Tigers team, team owner "Fatty" Arbuckle shown in center

205 S. Market St.
Side view on March 2013

Senior Citizen Center
507 W. Main St. shown in March 2013

Rheinhart Smith Grocery Company
1919 photo of the company building at 600 N. Van Buren St.

Marion Curtis Campbell 1834-1902
Merchant and partner in Goodall and Campbell Co. with John Goodall

Channel 27 Logo

Marion Electric Park
Photo from ca 1904, tracks would likely be south of the city reservoir

Joab Goodall 1800-1845
Grave marker located at Goodall Cemetery

1939 Williamson County Centennial
Pioneer cabin on display at the fair ground near exhibit hall

Nannie Gray Parks

Pioneer Daughters of Williamson County
L-R are Vinnie Brown Winstead, Ada Smoot Elliott, and Lucy Hunter Norman shown in costume at the pioneer cabin in 1939

Coal Belt Line Car 13
Repurposed CBE car changed to HSN 530

DeWitt T. Hartwell 1879-1933
D.T. shown as Marion City Attorney in 1904

Citizens Trust and Banking Co
Located at 805 Public Square ca 1918

1963 City Council
Robert L. Butler, Mayor

1989 Williamson County Sesquicentennial
Sesquicentennial Logo design

Cooksey Grocery
J.M. and Cora Cooksey ca 1900

First M.E. Church
Note the electric line tracks in West Main St. indicating picture is between 1901 and 1905

Coal Belt Electric Line 1904
People shown boarding the Electric LIne, note the top of the mill in background, this is likely the mill on North Market next to I.C. RR tracks. 1904

Marion Bottling Company
Iron Brew Factory at 1003 S. Court, future home of Pepsi Cola Bottling

Robert Duncan WWII Ace
Downed seven Japanese Zero's in the Pacific

Marion Flouring Mill and Elevator Company
Shown in 1904

Robert L. Butler
Statue on Public Square dedicated at ceremony on April 16, 2013 for 50 years of service to the City of Marion as Mayor

Burkhart Family
James M. Burkhart ca 1885

Howard & Casey Wholesale Grocers
Warehouse at 521 W. Main in 1918

Green's Paint and Wallpaper 1954
Memory Kit ad from 1954, Shown L-R, Wayne Green, Raymond Owen, Fred "Jiggs" Richey, Sarah Radford, Unknown

Warder Street Baptist Church
Church shown in 1987

204 N. Buchanan St.
Shown in 2008 (West family photo)

James L. Adams 1836-1917
Multi-term Marion Alderman James L. Adams

Major James D. McCown 1824-1863
Major James McCown shown in civil war uniform in 1862

Rascal Ridge School
Rascal Ridge School ca 1939

1964 Williamson County Quasqui-Centennial
Ladies Sunbonnets and Dresses Committee

Early Street and Road Building
The very narrow roads of the early 1920's, seen here roughly in front of where the DQ is on West Main looking west.

Delos L. Duty 1882-1965
State's Attorney through the Bloody Williamson years 1920-24

Class of 1904
Graduating class

1979 Snow Storm
W. DeYoung at the Interstate

Adams Shoe Store
Shown at 418 N. Market St. in May 2013

Marion Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company
Memory Kit ad from 1942 shown on W. Main Street one block east of old High School

Albert R. and Helen Cagle
Helen S. Cagle, wife of A.R. Cagle, mathematics teacher at Marion High School

McKinney Grave
J.H. and Minverva McKinney Grave at Liberty Cemetery 2012

J.M. Cline Drugs
Cline Drug Store ad from 1907

W.O. Potter 1871-1926
Potter shown in 1915 while serving as Marion City Court Judge

Hon. John H. Duncan 1858-1933
School Board, Alderman, Businessman, Legislator

M.E. Church South
The old M.E. church on S. Market St. ca 1910

Hester L. Davis 1886-1976
Shown in Davis Market memory kit ad from the early 1940's

Robert L Butler 2012
Shown in office in 2012 (Photo by Daily Republican)

H.E. Lane and Brother Transfer and Feed Co.
604 N. Monroe Street, Marion, Illinois

Carnegie Library
Architects drawings for Carnegie Library Expansion 1995

Rufus Neely 1864-1933
Neely shown in 1904 while Williamson County Judge

Thomas J. Binkley 1850-1915
Early insurance dealer, Marion city alderman 3 times

Parks Pharmacy
Postcard of interior at 200 N. Market St. in 1924 (Postcard courtesy of Mike Ward)

1906 REO Runabout
Type of car owned by Charles A. Gent in 1907

Thomas Wimberly Collection
"This is the Marion public square sometime in 1958-1959 when a politician came to town to shake hands with the people around the courthouse." (Courtesy of
Thomas Wimberly)

Windland's Livery Sales and Feed Stable
110 S. Market, corner of S.Market and W. College

Hotel State 1930
Marion State and Savings BankPostcard from around 1930 (Mike Ward Collection)

St. Joseph Catholic Church
Side View in May 2013, 800 N. Russell St.

Third Baptist Church
Cornerstone for this church laid in 1919

African American Community Center
Built by the black community, finished in February 1950 at 1103 S. Liberty St.

1925 CIPS line truck in Herrin Illinois

Harry Truman Visit September 1948
Truman in the 100 block of West Main about to reach the square

Roland Theater
The theater is closed but still exists in this photo from ca 1940

Davis Market
Shown in a 1940 Memory Kit Ad

1304 W. Main St.
The Stotlar family outside their home, copy of original photo hanging in home.

Improved Order of Redmen
1889 Redmen Certificate

J.W. Wilder 1858-19XX
Photographer in Marion 1891 to 1909

Tornado touches down at Williamson County Airport

812 N. Market St.
The home in January 2013

301 S. Market St.
Front view of home across the street from the Marion Carnegie Library

F.M. Westbrook in 1904
F.M. Westbrook, Merchant, 1831-1910

Gottlieb James Frick (1881-1953)
G.J. Frick's Cash Grocery in 1919 at 606 W. Boulevard Street

Parade on Square
Parade on Square 1890-1900

Marion Pressed Brick Co
Shown in 1913, just off N. Carbon St and end of W. Goodall

Longfellow School
New Longfellow school in 1955 taken by Carl Sorgen

Adam's Cab Company
Ad from 1939 Polk Directory

Illinois Central Train Depot 1915
Marion Train Depot 1915 Rear View (Edward Bridges Collection)

Howard L. Pentecost 1921-2011
Howard shown in later life

Inskeet Glove Factory
Glove Factory Postcard 1916

Frank M. Goodall
1839-1908, Builder of Goodall building at 204 Public Square

Ray Fosse
Ray Fosse ca 1967

Jefferson School ca 1940

Deyoung(Thomas Wimberly Collection)
"Intersection of Route 13 and State Route 37 construction in 1959 or 1960. This picture is looking west on Rt 13."-Thomas Wimberly

Street Department Project May 1953
L-R, Commissioner Bob Cooksey, Ralph Carter, Wilie Davis, Amon Buckner, Kay Poteete

November 19, 1991 Microburst/Tornado Damage
Tornado/ Microburst map

Crab Orchard Wildlife Refuge
Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center sign on Route 148

John Wayne
Stock movie photo of Actor John Wayne

Boatright's Electronics
The store can just be seen on the left of frame and is Murrie's Electronics at this point in time in 1988

Clyde O. Maynard 1912-1999
Clyde Maynard, civic leader

Lions Club Officers
Date unknown, 1940's ?, L-R. Unknown,Jack Giles, Sr., Gus Fowler, Owen Cox, unknown, "Doc" Smith

Martin L. Baker 1854-1918
CA 1908 photo of Martin Baker

Harry R. Rodd 1912-1987
Rodd shown in 1950 election photo, he served as mayor in 1947-1951

Cultural and Civic Center 1997
Remains of destroyed old Civic Center 1997

Raymond L. McCormick 1921-2014
Raymond shown later in life

Marion Public Square
The square as it appeared in the 1950's

William F.
Inventor of concrete paving machine in Marion, 1954 (MDR photo)

Joan Crawford
Harry Crisp, Sr., Joan Crawford and Harry Crisp, Jr. at September 1969 Pepsi plant opening ceremony

Captain George W. Goddard
Captain George W. Goddard 1862

South Market Elderly Housing
Exec. Director, Julian Stienmarch, of W.C. Housing Authority shown inspecting units for lease

Cardox 1
Cardox mining system step one, a hole is drilled.