Herman May, former Marion policeman, went to work Saturday at the Marion Fire Department. Continue reading
Tag Archives: city council
The City Council on Monday night added another man to the fire department. The new fireman is James Anderson, who has been an active member of the volunteer list at the fire department. Continue reading
The city council in a meeting Tuesday afternoon voted to authorize Mayor Crisp to sign a contract with the Central Fire Equipment Company of St. Louis for a new fire truck. Continue reading
The city council on Monday night allowed bills for the month of February totaling $2,288.77. Continue reading
Fire Chief Harry Cash reported to the city council that he and the state fire marshal’s office had condemned two frame store buildings on E. Main St. The buildings are located in the 600 block, house five families in addition to stores on the ground floor.
(Extracted from local newspapers and compiled by Harry Boyd, posted at http://www.marionfire.us )