A California motorist who stopped at the C.V. Ridgley service station, 501 East Main Street for gas at 6:30 pm Thursday crashed his car into a gasoline pump, causing a $500 fire. Continue reading
Tag Archives: fire
Quick action by firemen extinguished a blaze that damaged the Wallace Shop, a children’s clothing store operated by Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Wallace at 109 W. Main St. early Sunday evening. Continue reading
Owners of the TVW Men’s Clothing Store which was destroyed in the Heyde building fire Sept. 18 announced Thursday that the store will re-open immediately in a new location. Continue reading
Firemen who watched throughout the night and poured water at times on fires which broke out in the ruins of the George B. Heyde building had only smoke to contend with Wednesday morning as work went forward to re-open streets and restore damage caused in the blaze which leveled the half-block structure early Tuesday. Continue reading
Fire and explosion early Tuesday destroyed three North Market Street stores, damaged a half dozen others and injured one fireman. The stores wiped out in the complete destruction of the 50-year old two-story George B. Heyde building were the TVW Clothing Store, and the Dan Odum and Frank Hepler food markets. Continue reading